Certified organic beans, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® beans, ecologically grown beans

BNR1BEAUTY WAYCert. BD/OG(Phaseolus coccineus)HEIRLOOM from Central America . Each bean seed of Beauty is almost one gram which is extaordinarily large. Its flowers are mostly red so are lovely as ornamentals and attractive to pollinatorss and humming birds. This species of bean is called a ‘runner bean. Beauty Way as a term refers to the Navajo special Ceremony. The linage of Beauty Way grown by Meadowlark Hearth: from John Rahart New Mexico who received it via Greg Schoen who received it via Wren Kothrade. Wren said this variety was found in Antalope Cave on Fremont Archeological site in northern Arizona. Runner beans originate in the highlands of Central America, where to this day the traditional farmers allow them to grow among the plants of maize (corn) in their fields. Over the centuries the First Peoples traded them which eventualy brought them north into Mexico and the Southwest, along with corn and other crops, adapting them to this more northern latitude. This runner bean is a unique heirloom: colors ranging purples, yellow, browns whites, some with mottled dark spots, and red flowers and sometimes white flowers (as seen with scarlet runner beans). Beauty Way is also the name of a very special "Sing" or Ceremony for the Navajo peoples. Truly a rare and special heirloom.
S$7.00~12 seeds

BUSH BEANS(Phaseolus vulgaris)

BN5ROYAL BURGUNDYCert. BD/OGNEW!(phaseolus vulgaris)50-60 days.Long, tender purple beans turn green when cooked.zu
S$3.00=1 oz.
4+ oz.$2.75/oz. bulk rate
1 lb$25.00
BN6DRAGON TONGUECert. BD/OGNEW!(phaseolus vulgaris)Bush wax romano (flat and wider) bean, light yellow with purple stripes which don't remain after cooking. Crisp wide pods which are juicy. Delicious!
S$3.00=1 oz.
LG$20.00=1 lb
4+ oz.$2.75/oz. bulk rate
BN2GOLDEN ROCKYCert. BD/OG(phaseolus vulgaris)55 days.Tender yellow wax bean. Good producer on compact plants.
S$3.00=1 oz., sows 20 ft., ~100 seeds
M$25.00=1 lb
BNBD1PROVIDER SELECTCert. BD/OG(phaseolus vulgaris)50 days.This variety has been the measuring stick for all good green snap-bush beans for many years. After a hail storm late June, a local customer said the bean plants of provider were reduced to just a stem. However, Provider living up to its name leafed out again and is now in August 45 days later producing copious amounts of green beans again!
S$3.00=1 oz., sows 4 ft., ~98 seeds
M$10.00=4 oz.
1 lb$18.00

POLE BEANS(P. vulgaris)

BP4AUNT ADA'S ITALIANCert. BD/OGNEW!55-60 days.Heirloom came from Italy with the Botanelli family~1900 brought to this country by their Aunt Ada. Pick when beans start to bulge in pods Picking before they bulge, does not allow the full flavor to mature. Delicious and dual purpose , tastes like a buttery snap lima bean when steamed or as a green bean; depodded dried beans are also good as a dry soup bean.
S$3.00=1/2 oz., sows 6 ft., ~30 seeds
M$7.75=2 oz., 20 ft., ~120 seeds
LG$25.00=1 lb
BP5EARLY RISERCert. BD/OG(AKA: Kwintus, phaseolus vulgaris)55 days.Early Romano-type pole bean. Flat, 9 in. long pods. Vigorous vines to 10 ft. Does well in the North. Sow after last frost in warm soil. 1" deep, 3" apart, or grow on poles or tipis placing 5-6 seeds at the base of each .pole.Climbs 6-8 ft.
S$3.00=1 oz., sows 10 ft., ~60 seeds
M$7.50=4 oz., 40 ft., ~230 seeds
LG$20.00=1 lb, sows 160 ft., ~900 seeds
BP1RATTLESNAKECert. BD/OG(phaseolus vulgaris)70 days.Purple streaked dark green pods on 8-10 foot vines notable for their good flavor. These unusual beans catch the customer's eye at the farmer's market and when cooked look like other green beans. Their brown striped seeds, reminiscent of pinto beans, can also be used as a dry bean.
S$3.00=1 oz., ~70 seeds
LG$25.00=1 lb, ~1100 seeds sold out
4+ oz.$2.75/oz. bulk rate

SOUP BEANS(P. vulgaris)

BS1BARB'S BEAUTIFUL BEANSCert. BD/OGNEW!(phaseolus vulgaris)HEIRLOOM . Maroon and white beans with very distinctive markings great for soups. Also known Yin Yang or Calypso.
S$3.00=1 oz.
16+ oz.$10.00/4oz. bulk rate=4 oz.
BS4BLACK TURTLECert. BD/OG(phaseolus vulgaris)85-105 days.Bushy plants with good yields of small black beans. Makes delicious soup, baked beans or bean spread.
S$3.00=1 oz.
M$5.00=4 oz.
4+ oz.$2.75/oz. bulk rate
BS5BLUE TEPARARYCert. BD/OGNEW!(TEPERARY, Phaseolus acutifolius)80 days. A traditional Southwestern crop that's drought and heat tolerant. Has a half-runner habit. Phaseolus acutifolius.
S$4.00=1 oz.
M$12.00=4 oz.
LG$18.00=1 lb
BS2BUCKSKINCert. BD/OGNEW!(phaseolus vulgaris)85 days.HEIRLOOM . Abundant production and early. Somewhat sprawling with runners but do not need trellis. Eating quality similar to Pinto when cooked. Golden tan color.
S$3.00=1 oz.
4+ oz.$2.75/oz. bulk rate
1 lb$25.00
BNT1PUEBLO'S SAN FILIPE TEPARYCert. BD/OG(TEPERARY, Phaseolus acutifolius)HEIRLOOM from . Small white heirloom teparary soup bean, native to the Pueblo people in San Filipe area.
S$4.00=1 oz.
M$10.00=4 oz.
LG$30.00=1 lb