Certified organic corn seeds, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® corn seeds, ecologically grown corn seeds

CNFFIELD CORN MANDAAMIN VARIOUS TYPESverified traditionally bredBULK AMOUNTS OF TRADITIONALLY BRED FIELD CORN. CALL WALTER GOLDSTIEN who has been working on corn breeding for more than 40 years! The results of his work are quite profound! Consider consultation with the Mandaamin Institute for the characteristics you need for field corn in your climate. Mandaamin Iinstitute supports your future with quality Corn and also Wheat 262-248-1533, email: Check out
1 Other$0.00

SWEET CORN(Zea mays)≈100-150 seeds/oz.

CS2DAMAUNCert. BD/OGNEW!85-95 days.Biodynamically bred open pollinated sugary enhanced early yellow sweet corn bred at the Swiss Biodynamic seed company in Switzerland! Delicious, very sweet and dependable open pollinated sweet corn which can hold its sweetness which is uncommon for open pollinated varieties of sweet corn. The seed lot which we grew out for MH in western Nebraska from Switzerland tested negative for gmo contamination. (MH tests all MH grown sweet corn varieties for grmo contamination and will not sell contaminated gmo seed.)
S$5.00=1 oz., ~80 seeds
4+ oz.$4.50/oz. bulk rate
5+ lb$50.00/lb bulk rate=~12500 seeds
CS1HARMONYCert. BD/OG90 days.A great, new cross from Wisconsin Biodynamic seed grower Steven Adams. Stalks between 7 and 8 feet depending on climate in which it is grown, often with multiple ears on a stalk, sweet good corn flavor with two toned colors of yellow and white. In warm, fertile soil, sow seeds 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart, in blocks of at least three rows spaced about 20 inches apart. Thin 8-12 inches apart.
S$3.00=1 oz., sows 40 ft., ~120 seeds
M$10.00=4 oz., 160 ft.
LG$30.00=1 lb
CS5ROSE POTPOURICert. BD/OGNEW!(rose potpouri sweet corn)85 days.Lovely open pollinated red sweet corn: What a surprise: 16 rows of kernels on full bodied 6-8 in. ears that range from rosy pink to deep burgundy as they mature. There is a small percentage of white, yellow and bicolor ears. Cook it as soon as you pick it or it also makes beautiful display ears as dried corn. Sow outdoors in spring after all danger of frost is past and soil has warmed. Plant 1" deep, 3-4 seeds/ft. in rows 30" apart. Thin to 8"-12" apart in row. Plant in blocks of at least 4 rows to insure good pollination.
S$3.00=1/2 oz. sold out
M$10.00=4 oz. sold out
LG$22.00=1 lb sold out

POP CORN(Zea mays)≈250 seeds/oz.

CN2CHEROKEE RAINBOWCert. BD/OGNEW!HEIRLOOM from .Merlyn Niedens, combining several strains of long ear Cherokee popcorn sent to Southern Exposure Seed Exchange by Carl Barnes of Turpin, OK. Carl has helped save many of the Cherokee corns that came west over the Trail of Tears. This small kernelled variety makes surprisingly large pops, yielding for a low hull/ corn ratio. Great flavor. Highly ornamental, 5-7 in. ears have many shiny colors including red, blue, orange, white, and yellow with surprising variations. 6-8 ft. plants. We thank the First People's for the possibility to have corn.
S$3.00=1 oz.
M$10.00=4 oz.