ONIONS(Allium cepa)~6,500 seeds/oz.

Sow inside Feb then transplant out in April. Or direct sd April. Avoid weeds overpowering slow emergence of direct sown oinions, sow radish every 6 in onion row, to see row prior onion emergence keep hoed. North: sow long day onion; South: Sow short day M

ON2CLEAR DAWN ONION SEEDCert. BD/OGSALE!105 days.LONG DAY that is good for northern areas (southern areas need short day onions), mid-sized yellow storage onion selected 18 generations for high quality, long storage and uniformity by Biodynamic market gardeners.Transplants:sow insideJan-Feb, set out 4" apart in early spring or sow out Mar-April, 1/4" deep, 3 sds" rows 12"-18" If sowing outside, use sora radish in onion row since radish is a quick to sprout and onions are slow so the radish helps mark the row. Planting in claimates warmer and more south will not allow the onions to bulb up.
S$2.75=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
M$6.00=2 g, ~400 seeds
LG$15.00=1/4 oz., ~1600 seeds
1 oz.$28.00=~6500 seeds
2 oz.$48.00
1 lb$350.00 sold out
ON3GIANT ZITTAU SEEDCert. BD/OG100-110 days.Delicious, yellow 4-5 inch semi-globe with excellent storage quality for Pacific Northwest. Beautiful golden skin. Sow spring, or in mild climates autumn. Introduced to us from Oregon by long time Biodynamic gardener, Heike Eubanks. Zittau has been identified as both short day and intermediate day onion but others in the bay area of San Francisco say it worked very well as a day neutral onion.
S$2.75=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
M$9.00=2 g, ~400 seeds
LG$28.00=8 g, ~1600 seeds
ON4ITALIAN RED SPINDLE ONION SEEDCert. BD/OG95 days.HEIRLOOM Spindle shaped onion with a sweet, mild flavor. Matures early! Intermediate-day variety. Start in fall in mild climates. Great onion to take up the slack at the farmer's market before the storage onion types are done growing and ready to offer. Not storage type. Transplants:sow insideJan-Feb, set out 4" apart in early spring or sow out Mar-April, 1/4" deep, 3 sds" rows 12"-18" If sowing outside, use sora radish in onion row since radish is a quick to sprout and onions are slow so the radish helps mark the row. Not available in 2025. Please check back in 2026.
ON6ROSA DI MILANO SEEDCert. BD/OGSALE!HEIRLOOM from Italy. Beautiful red storage onion, flat shoulders and inner red and white layers. Harvest in the end of August, stores into March of following year. Transplants:sow inside Jan-Feb, set out 4" apart in early spring or sow out Mar-April, 1/4" deep, 3 rows 12"-18" If sowing outside, use sora radish in onion row since radish is a quick to sprout and onions are slow so the radish helps mark the row.
S$2.75=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
M$8.00=2 g, ~400 seeds
LG$20.00=8 g, ~3000 seeds
1 oz.$40.00=~6500 seeds
ON5VALENCIA SEEDCert. BD/OGSALE!115 days.Workhorse neutral day variety for our year round CSA here in Nebraska!!! Five stars!!! Large yellow-brown globes, very quick to size up and around 3/4 pound per onion. This Utah strain of yellow sweet Spanish onion holds in storage through March for us in Nebraska. For all onions: Sow early as soil can be worked, 1/4" deep, 1 to 3 seeds per inch in rows 12"-18" apart. Thin at 3" high to 2" apart and again when 6" high to 4" apart. Transplants: start indoors in late winter and set out 4" apart in early spring.Transplants:sow insideJan-Feb, set out 4" apart in early spring or sow out Mar-April, 1/4" deep, 3 sds" rows 12"-18" If sowing outside, use sora radish in onion row since radish is quick to sprout and onions are slow so the radish helps mark the row.
S$2.75=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
M$6.00=2 g, ~400 seeds
LG$15.00=1/4 oz., ~1500 seeds