TOMATOAverages 7000 seeds/oz.

Sow indoors 6 wks before last frost at 80-90° F, ¼" deep, 4 seeds/in. Prick out when 1½" high to 2"-3" apart. Set out after danger of frost, 18"-24" apart. Stake or cage indeterminate varieties for best results.Certified organic tomato seeds, Demeter Cert

TMP2STREAK LIGHTNINGCert. BD/OGNEW!Red with yellow antique streaking ,slightly elongated fruit usually with a tail make this new introduction from Wild Boar Farm in California very enticing. TASTE is the next surprise, with a fruity and full tomato flavor, this tomato will definitely become a lasting variety to become an heirloom. Fruits are around 3-4 ounces with a few going to 6 ounces. Both good sauce and fresh eating.. Cusomters at our farmer's market always would buy them after tasting them.
S$3.00~10 seeds
M$9.00~50 seeds, ~50 seeds
LG$18.00=1 g, ~225 seeds
TDW1DWARF FRED'S TIE DYECert. BD/OG75 days.Don't be fooled by the term dwarf. Large tomatoes from space saving plants Plants can be 5 ft but they tend to have such a strong center stem that they can be more easliy grown in large pots with minimal support. Quite easily grown in fields and green houses too. Vigorous,productive with fruit that are medium to medium-large sized (five to six ounce average), round, purple with jagged green stripes and the deep crimson flesh of black tomatoes. 'Fred's Tie Dye' has a rich, intense, balanced flavor for fresh eating and delicious saucing. Originally from the cooperative project: It was selected from a cross between 'Dwarf Wild Fred' and 'Pink Berkeley Tie Dye' made by Vince Lavallo, who also named it. Among those who contributed to stabilizing this "Dwarf Tomato Project" variety were Vince, Lyne Rancourt, Ted Maiden, Lisa Moore, Connie Dockler, Richard Watson, Gina McDermott, Bill Yoder, Simone Pennig, Scott Stough, Donna Marie Kudrak, Marsha Eisenberg, Antoniette Koshykar, Bill Minkey, and Craig LeHoullier. Introduced in 2015.
S$4.00~10 seeds
M$15.00=1/4 g, ~50 seeds


TE1STUPICECert. BD/OG58 days.Our earliest ripening tomato . Good yields of small 3 oz. fruits with a rich sweet flavor. Performs well in cool conditions.
S$3.00~25 seeds
M$7.00=1 g, ~250 seeds


TM1BERNER ROSECert. BD/OG75 days.HEIRLOOM from Europe 8-10 oz fruits with glistening tender smooth dark rose skin. Resists cracking on about 90 percent of the tomatoes. Outstanding flavor make it delicious in salads. Cooks into a good red sauce. Good seller at the farmer's market. Indeterminant. Sow inside 6 wks before last frost at 80-90° F, ¼" deep, 4 seeds/in. Prick out when 1½" high to 2"-3" apart. Set out after danger of frost, 18"-24" apart in rows 4' apart. Stake or cage indeterminate varieties for best results.
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$8.00=1 g, ~200 seeds
LG$15.00=1/8 oz., ~900 seeds
TM5CORNE DE BOUCCert. BD/OG(Billy Goat Horn)85 days.French HEIRLOOM. Delicious unusual 5 in. long pointed fruits for fresh eating and sun-dried tomatoes, or thick sauce, with a slight smoky deep rich sweet flavor. Name means goat's horn. Late ripening. Does best with being trellised. Indeterminant so it needs staking. Hightlight of this tomato is its outstanding flavor that calls a person back for more!
S$4.00=0.1 g, ~15 seeds
M$12.00=1 g, ~150 seeds
LG$28.00=4 g, ~800 seeds
TM10CRNKOVICCert. BD/OGNEW!85 days.HEIRLOOM from from Yugoslavia traveling to the US via Yasha Crnkovic. It is disease-resistant producing mostly large 8 oz -1 lb pink beefsteak fruit with some small fruit.. (Indeterminate means it keeps growing all season long and could use staking.
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$6.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
TMS3FIREWORKSCert. BD/OG70 days.Early red 6-10 oz. Fruits with very little cracking. Quick Determinant type yielding lots of red fruit for about in a 3-5 week period. Great for fresh eating or flavorful sauce.
S$3.00=1/4 g, ~50 seeds
M$8.00=1 g, ~200 seeds
LG$20.00=1/4 oz., ~1800 seeds
XL$30.00=1 oz., ~7000 seeds
TM3KATJECert. BD/OG60 days.Early, large fruits up to 8 oz. taste similar to Brandywine types, but earlier maturing. Our strain came from Adaptive Seeds who recommended it. We agree that its earliness and delicious flavor make it a real winner. Our Friends at Seed Ambassadors say: "Pink 3-5" slicer tomato, very early and reliable. Gorgeous and delicious, Originates in Sludjanka at the shores of lake Bajkal in Siberia, where it is grown outdoors. It is not clear whether it was developed by Katarina Konovna Sviatova (Katja) herself, or if it is an old Russian commercial variety, received from Søren Holt of Frøsamlerne (Danish seed savers) who received it from the Sviatova family in Siberia."
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$8.00=1 g, ~200 seeds
LG$10.00=1/8 oz., ~900 seeds
TMR1MOSKVICHCert. BD/OGNEW!70 days.Early, smooth globe-shaped red fruit with small stem scar, 4-6 oz., smooth texture, rich taste, from Eastern Siberia.
S$3.00~25 seeds
M$6.00=1 g, ~200 seeds
LG$30.00=1/2 oz., ~3500 seeds
TMP9MYONACert. BD/OGNEW!80 days.HEIRLOOM from . Italy. Given to us by John Rahart. His father living in New Jersey went to the farmer's market there and bought some tomato plants from a vendor. They were terrific so he returned to the vendor and asked what the name of the tomato was. The answer: "It's a my own a. " ! 3-4oz. pear paste type. Good flavor, excellent yields. This variety appears to acclimate to where it is grown in that the first year it is smaller and then when you save your own seed, it produces larger fruits the ensuing years.
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$6.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
TMR9SOLAR FLARECert. BD/OGNEW!A work horse at the Wild Boar Farm, repeatedly selected for flavor. Luscious, slightly sweet, full tomato flavor. Head turning fruits are red striped with gold, very meaty and weigh 6-8 oz. Early with good scab resistance. Indeterminate, 75 days from transplant. Attention seed growers: PROPRIETARY, Need permission from Wild Boar Farm to grow and market this seed. For growing the fruit for marketing, no permission is needed.
S$3.00~10 seeds sold out
TM2SUPER LAKOTACert. BD/OG(Super Sioux)75 days.Abundant producers of fleshy 6 to 8 oz fruits. Excellent slicers, very juicy, with good old-fashioned flavor. Plants stand up well in both wet and dry summers. A great early ripening all around medium sized tomato which appeals to farmer's market customers. Semi-determinant plant type means that it does not have to be trellised but can be if you want to save room. Sow indoors 6 weeks before last frost at 80-90° F, ¼" deep, 4 seeds/in. Prick out when 1½" high to 2"-3" apart. Set out after danger of frost, 18"-24" apart in rows 4' apart.
S$3.00=0.2 g, ~25 seeds
M$7.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
LG$12.00=2 g, ~400 seeds
XL$24.00=8 g, ~1600 seeds


TMBBRANDYWINE, SUDDUTH STRAINCert. BD/OGNEW!85-90 days.Heirloom potato-leaf variety with large, dark pink to rosy red slightly flattened and somewhat ribbed fruit with outstanding flavor. Needs staking and around 90 days for ripe fruit. Half lb to 2lb fruits from the Suddruth family, a 100 + dependable producer.
S$4.00~15 seeds
M$12.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
TM8DJENA LEE'S GOLDEN GIRLCert. BD/OG80 days.This Minnesota HEIRLOOM won first prize in the Chicago World's Fair in the 1930's. Prolific clusters of light yellow 6 oz. fruits. Cultivation instructions: Sow indoors 6 weeks before last frost at 80-90° F, ¼" deep, 4 seeds/in. Prick out when 1½" high to 2"-3" apart. Set out after danger of frost, 18"-24" apart in rows 4' apart.
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$6.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds sold out
TM12GREEN ZEBRACert. BD/OG85 days.1.5-2.5 in. yellow-green fruits with dark green vertical stripes. Emerald green flesh, mild flavor. Harvest it when it is still green but loses its unripe firmness. Quite tasty and novel for farmer's markets. Indeterminate.
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$6.00=1 g, ~150 seeds
TM7PAUL ROBESONCert. BD/OGNEW!80 days.A play of red and green colors this large heirloom tomato of between 5 and 9 ounces. This special tomato is named after an exceptional person who was an actor, singer, athlete and cultural scholar with a wonderfully warm quality in his voice both for singing and oration.. The warm tones of this tomato's outstanding flavor is a fitting to remember Paul Robeson.
S$3.00~20 seeds
M$8.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
TM9PERSIMMONCert. BD/OG90 days.A vigorous outstanding beefsteak-type half to one pounder variety with beautiful glowing gold persimmon color with sweet, fine flavor. Even though it is a long season variety, it matures in our shorter season of 4 summer months. Also good does very well as a greenhouse tomato. Large plants.
S$3.00~10 seeds
M$5.00=1/4 g, ~50 seeds
LG$9.00=1 g, ~200 seeds sold out
TMN1PURPLE CHEROKEECert. BD/OGOver a 100 year oldHEIRLOOM from First peoples of America. 8-16 oz of reddish black, good tasting fruit with blushed green shoulders Abundant producers in our very rainy season. Indeterminate so needs trellising.
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$6.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
LG$12.00=2 g, ~400 seeds
XL$25.00=7 g
1 oz.$35.00=~7000 seeds
TE1STUPICECert. BD/OG58 days.Our earliest ripening tomato . Good yields of small 3 oz. fruits with a rich sweet flavor. Performs well in cool conditions.
S$3.00~25 seeds
M$7.00=1 g, ~250 seeds
TMYRVIRGINIA SWEETS BI COLORCert. BD/OG80 days.Yellow with red highlights, one pounder fruits. Good sweet flavor!
S$3.00~25 seeds
M$6.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
LG$9.00=2 g, ~450 seeds
TOY3YELLOW AZOYCHKACert. BD/OGBright shiney yellow 4-8 oz tomatoes. Our original source for this variety was Deep Harvest Seeds in Washington state. Their origin of their seed was from Seed Savers where co founder Kent Whealey brought the variety back from Russia. The taste is refreshingly sharp.
S$4.00~15 seeds


TM5CORNE DE BOUCCert. BD/OG(Billy Goat Horn)85 days.French HEIRLOOM. Delicious unusual 5 in. long pointed fruits for fresh eating and sun-dried tomatoes, or thick sauce, with a slight smoky deep rich sweet flavor. Name means goat's horn. Late ripening. Does best with being trellised. Indeterminant so it needs staking. Hightlight of this tomato is its outstanding flavor that calls a person back for more!
S$4.00=0.1 g, ~15 seeds
M$12.00=1 g, ~150 seeds
LG$28.00=4 g, ~800 seeds
TMP9MYONACert. BD/OGNEW!80 days.HEIRLOOM from . Italy. Given to us by John Rahart. His father living in New Jersey went to the farmer's market there and bought some tomato plants from a vendor. They were terrific so he returned to the vendor and asked what the name of the tomato was. The answer: "It's a my own a. " ! 3-4oz. pear paste type. Good flavor, excellent yields. This variety appears to acclimate to where it is grown in that the first year it is smaller and then when you save your own seed, it produces larger fruits the ensuing years.Highlight of this tomato is its thick texture!
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$6.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
TMP4SAN MARZANOCert. BD/OG75-85 days.Red paste, excellent for canning. Smallish fruits are borne in clusters on large indeterminant vines. Also good for drying.
S$3.00~15 seeds, ~15 seeds
M$6.00=1/4 g, ~50 seeds
TMP2STREAK LIGHTNINGCert. BD/OGNEW!Red with yellow antique streaking ,slightly elongated fruit usually with a tail makethis MH's favorite variety so far from Wild Boar Farm in California very enticing. TASTE is the next surprise, with a fruity and full tomato flavor, this tomato will definitely become a lasting variety putting it in the heirloom hall of fame. Fruits are around 3-4 ounces with a few going to 6 ounces. Both good sauce and fresh eating.. Cusomters at our farmer's market always would buy them after tasting them. Proprietary, need permission from Wild Boar to grow and market this seed.
S$3.00~10 seeds
M$9.00~50 seeds, ~50 seeds
LG$18.00=1 g, ~225 seeds

TOMATO, CHERRY AND SMALL SALAD(Lycopersicon esculentum)

TM6BLACK CHERRYCert. BD/OG85-90 days.HEIRLOOM from . Indeterminant plants produce an abundant yield of cherry-sized, garnet-colored delectable fruits. Add them to salad for a nice color variation or eat them on their own to fully enjoy their complex, sweet flavor. Indeterminant.: needs staking. Sow indoors 6 weeks before last frost at 80-90° F, ¼" deep, 4 seeds/in. Prick out when 1½" high to 2"-3" apart. Set out after danger of frost, 18"-24" apart in rows 4' apart. Stake or cage indeterminate varieties for best results.
S$3.00~25 seeds
M$6.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
LG$20.00=4 g
TCH1CHADWICK CHERRYCert. BD/OGNEW!85-90 days.Exceptionally delicious cherry tomato with abundant harvest from the work of Alan Chadwick, pioneer of bio-intensive gardening in the U.S.
S$3.00~25 seeds
TCH2JAUNE FLAMMECert. BD/OGHEIRLOOM from France . Deliciously swwet small yellow/orange small fuits 2-3 ounces, very prolific. Cultivation instructions: Sow insice 6 wks before last frost at 80-90° F, ¼" deep, 4 seeds/in. Prick out when 1½" high to 2"-3" apart. Set out after danger of frost, 18"-24" apart in rows 4' apart. Stake or cage indeterminate varieties for best results.
S$3.00~15 seeds, ~15 seeds
TM4MATT'S WILDCert. BD/OG65-70 days. Indet. Everyone should have at least one plant of these in their garden. This little grape-sized red cherry tomato is packed with sweet, juicy flavor and is a quick favorite for all who try it. Children love it! Germinates best at a constant 78 degrees. Once germinated, we found the plants remained healthy even in cool wet climates. Produces beautiful trusses of ripe fruit which can be harvested complete for farmer's markets. It stores better and is very attractive when the whole truss is clipped, instead of picking individual tomatoes. Teresa Arellanos de Mena from Hildago in eastern Mexico collected and shared this variety with her friend and colleague, Matt Liebman of the U. of Maine Ag School, who saved seeds and passed them on to Johnny’s Selected Seeds. We are grateful to Johnny’s for permission to offer this variety, and to Teresa and Matt who collected and saved it.
S$3.00~15 seeds, ~15 seeds
M$8.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
TCH3SNOW WHITE CHERRYCert. BD/OGNEW!70-75 days.Not exactly white, this small pale yellow fruit is exceptionally sweet and gives a nice contrast to the red cherry tomatoes
S$3.00~15 seeds
TE1STUPICECert. BD/OG58 days.Our earliest ripening tomato . CRACK RESISTANT! Copious yields of small 3 fruits with a rich sweet flavor.. Long storage. Performs well in cool conditions. AND also does very well in a green house situation too! So does well in heat too!
S$3.00~25 seeds
M$7.00=1 g, ~250 seeds
TS1SWEET'N BRIGHTCert. BD/OGNEW!(Hellfrucht)80 days.Mid-season tomato with cascades of bright red 2-3 oz. round fruit. Good producer & disease resistance in greenhouse and field. No cracking.
S$4.00~25 seeds
M$8.00~100 seeds


TM5CORNE DE BOUCCert. BD/OG(Billy Goat Horn)85 days.French HEIRLOOM. Delicious unusual 5 in. long pointed fruits for fresh eating and sun-dried tomatoes, or thick sauce, with a slight smoky deep rich sweet flavor. Name means goat's horn. Late ripening. Does best with being trellised. Indeterminant so it needs staking. Hightlight of this tomato is its outstanding flavor that calls a person back for more!
S$4.00=0.1 g, ~15 seeds
M$12.00=1 g, ~150 seeds
LG$28.00=4 g, ~800 seeds