CE2VENTURA CELERYCert. BD/OG52-100 days.28-30 in. tall glossy bright green plants with 12 in. stalks and well-developed heart. This variety has stood the test of time. Sow indoors about 12 weeks before transplanting, 6 seeds/in, 1/8" deep. Keep moist at 70-75° F. At true leaf stage, thin or prick out to 1-2" spacing. Set outside after danger of frost, 12" apart in rows 18" apart.
S$4.00=0.15 g, ~200 seeds
M$8.00=1/2 g, ~800 seeds
LG$22.00=2 g, ~4000 seeds
XL$60.00=1/4 oz., ~15000 seeds
CE1MONARCH CELERIACCert. BD/OG100-150 days.Productive scab resistant improved Giant Prague type matures fall to early winter. Large roots with firm white flesh.Celery root is a wonderful vegetable for the colder climates to have throughout the winter to add to soups, used like celery in stuffing, even grated for a Waldorf salad. It also makes a great cream of celery tasting soup without the fibers that would happen with stalk cerlery.