CHINESE CABBAGE(Brassica rapa)
Certified organic chinese cabbage seeds, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® chinese cabbage seeds, ecologically grown chinese cabbage seeds
CHO1GRANATCert. OG60 days.For autumn harvest. Sow June-July to beginning of August….4-6 weeks before the first frost. Makes 11-15 inch high, slender yet solid compact heads. Mild but, refreshing flavour with crisp consistency making it nice for steaming or great for stir fries and excellent for winter salads. Cover with cloth or paper, store at 40 degrees or lower and you will have delicious salad through the winter. A real boon at Farmer's Markets when people are looking for salad ingredients.Best sown in June indoors, 3-4 per inch, ¼ inch deep, 4-6 weeks before setting out in garden. At true leaf stage transplantinto pots, cells or flats with 1 inch spacing between plants. Harden off and transplant outdoors 12-16 inches apart.S$4.00=0.1 g, ~25 seeds | |
M$9.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
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