CARROTS(Daucus carota)~18,000 seeds/oz.

Certified organic carrot seeds, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® carrot seeds, ecologically grown carrot seeds

CT17CHANTENAYCert. BD/OGNEW!65-70 days.Orange storage carrot that has a great sweetness harvested in the autumn. Shoulders arewide at the top then quickly narrowing for a stump rooted type, 2.5-5 inch roots here in our soils. Beautiful roots and delicious! Our vegetable customers like them a lot. They are very easy to clean.
S$4.00=1 g, sows 20 ft., ~500 seeds
M$10.00=3.5 g, 60 ft., ~1700 seeds
LG$20.00=1 oz.
CTBDOGDOLCIVACert. BD/OG130 days.Quick growing, sweet early carrot with strong tops, resistant to alternaria disease.This open-pollinated variety of carrot holds its own in taste trial comparisons with hybrid varieties.Lives up to the meaning of dolce as sweet.
S$4.00=1/2 g, ~250 seeds
M$8.00=4 g, ~2000 seeds
LG$20.00=1/2 oz., ~8500 seeds
4+ oz.$25.00/oz. bulk rate
CTK1KURODACert. BD/OGSALE!Delicious sweet good textured carrot. Selected here in western Nebraska and reportedly grows well in southern climates such as Florida. Also can be grown in containers and is good for juicing. If your garden has a challenge with carrot fly then plant it in late spring early summer.
S$4.00=1.25 g, ~500 seeds
M$10.00=6 g, ~2200 seeds
LG$18.00=20 g, ~8500 seeds
CT7MILAN NANTESCert. OGNEW!orDCT7MILAN NANTESCert. BD/OGSALE!72 days.An early, uniform, blunt-ended early carrot that can be forced under row cover for spring bunching carrots. Can even be stored but its highlight is for early bunching. Very good sweet flavor. Our farmer market customers love the flavor! Cultivation instructions:Sow outdoors from early spring to mid-summer. Grow in full sun in rich, loose, deeply worked soil. Sow 1/2 inch deep and ¾-1 inch apart in rows 12 inches apart. Keep moist until seedlings emerge. Thin to 2 inches between plants.
Catalog # CT7:
S$4.00=1 g, sows 20 ft., ~600 seeds
M$10.00=3 g, 100 ft., ~1500 seeds
Catalog # DCT7 on SALE:
LG$20.00=15 g, sows 400 ft., ~9000 seeds
XL$52.00=2 oz., 1200 ft., ~36000 seeds
CT8PURPLE DRAGONCert. OG70 days.This carrot is best planted later in the season. Otherwise it tends to bolt when planted early in the spring. Sweet yet pungent, a different taste in carrots, the purple gives a lively coloring to salads and stir fries. Truly purple skin with orange flesh inside. Improved from a USDA strain by Dr. John Navazio, with lycopene content equal to tomatoes! Novelty appeal for farmer's market customers.
S$4.00=1 g, ~500 seeds
M$8.00=3.5 g, ~1700 seeds
LG$23.00=1/2 oz., ~8500 seeds
XL$80.00=2 oz., ~32000 seeds sold out
CT4RODELIKACert. OG72 days.Improved Rothild bred by biodynamic farmer/breeder Dieter Bauer in Germany. Does well in heavy soil. A good storage variety with a very good flavor. GROWING OUT 2024
S$3.50=1 g, sows 20 ft., ~500 seeds
M$10.00=4 g, 80 ft., ~2000 seeds
LG$20.00=10 g, sows 200 ft., ~5000 seeds
CPS1SALE COSMIC PURPLECert. BD/OGGreat purple carrots for spring planting with puple skin and yellow to orange flesh. This lot is on sale with larger amounts in the packet to compensate for the low germ which happened because the crop went through baseball sized hail, However, the seed which does germinate is fine. Sow early spring to mid-summer, full sun in rich, loose soil,1/2 inch deep, 1 in. apart in rows 12 inch apart. Keep moist! Thin to 2 inches between plants.
S$4.00=4 g
M$8.00=1/2 oz.
XL$20.00=2 oz.
CTSPSATIVA PURPLE-SKIN-ORANGE INTERIORCert. OGNEW!ONLY for Autumn harvest. DO NOT PLANT IN SPRING- because of its higher tendency to bolt if planted in the spring. SOW June July and in mild climates August for a late and sweet harvest. A two toned carrot bred by Sativa Biodynamic Seed Company in Switzerland that really brightens up a salad. It is very tasty both raw and cooked. Good healthy foliage.
S$4.00=1 g, ~600 seeds
M$10.00=3 g, ~1600 seeds
LG$20.00=1/2 oz., ~9000 seeds
CT6SCARLET NANTES IMPROVEDCert. BD/OG(seed movement scarlet nantes)75 days.Uniform, medium-long, blunt-tipped roots. Sweet and juicy and keeps its quality through a long season. We get many repeat customers for these carrots at the farmer's market and its excellent storage makes it possible for us to include it in our year round CSA. Original source was a John Navazio selection.
S$4.00=1 g, sows 20 ft., ~600 seeds
M$9.00=3 g, 60 ft., ~1600 seeds
LG$18.00=1/2 oz., sows 300 ft., ~8500 seeds
1 oz.$29.00=600 ft., ~18000 seeds