GR8ETHIOPIAN KALECert. BD/OG(brassica carinata aka Amara Karate)50-65 days.GreensA buttery textured green grown in the cool of auumn or spring, kale like mustard with smooth texture when cooked, steamed, sti fried and great addition to salads. Rich in vitamin C and folic acid.Grown out by Harald Hoven in California. Also Known as “Ethiopian Kale” or Abyssinian mustard. Fpr seed buffs from Wikapedia: brassica carinata is thought to result from an ancestral hybridisation event between Brassica nigra (genome composition BB) and Brassica oleracea (genome composition CC). Considered to be in development for an oil seed crop.S$3.00=1 g, ~500 seeds | |
M$5.00=4 g, ~2000 seeds | |
LG$10.00=1 oz., ~5000 seeds | |
KA5ROTER KRAUSER (CRINKLY RED)Cert. OG(Brassica oleracea var. sabellica)aka Red Cross or Crinkly Red or Curly Roja HEIRLOOM from Switzerland . Thick reddish/purple pinnate leaves for spring sowing. They grow slowly but are really colorful. Hot water treated seed.S$3.00=1/4 g, ~50 seeds | |
M$9.00=1 g, ~230 seeds
sold out
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COLLARDS(Brassica oleracea)
COL2GREEN GLAZECert. OGNEW!Ira Wallace from Southern Exposue Seed Exchange together with others has reenlived the interest in collard greens. Green Glaze was made available through their community work and is one of the oldest heirloom collards in the US. Green Glaze has mostly shiny leaves and a mild taste cooked or raw. Start inside where winters are harsh. Mild winter, plant out 4-5 weeks prior to last frost. (That means you sow inside about 6 weeks before that transplant.)S$4.00=0.1 g, ~20 seeds | |
M$8.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds | |
KL3LACINATO KALECert. BD/OG62 days.Blue-green lance-shaped leaves. Traditional Italian variety used for Minestrone Soup. Good for bunching.S$3.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds | |
M$8.00=2 g, ~400 seeds | |
KA4LARK'S TONGUE (AKA LERCHENZUNGEN)Cert. BD/OG(LARK'S TOUNGUE, Meadowlark kale)Good frost hardy variety according to Biodynamic ® growers in Northern Germany. Finely curled narrow, slightly drooping leaves with good flavor. Cultivation instructions: Sow inside for early spring crop or fro early summer; set out 10-12 wks before frost. For Fall kale: direct seed late June, 2"apart, thin to 8". Good kale to grow outside as it does not show the stress of the cabbage worms as much as lacinato.S$3.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds | |
M$8.00=2 g, ~400 seeds | |
LG$20.00=8 g, ~1600 seeds | |
XL$30.00=15 g, ~3000 seeds | |