LETTUCE(Lactuca sativa)~24,000 seeds/oz.

Certified organic lettuce seeds, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® lettuce seeds, ecologically grown lettuce seeds

LTBVICTORIACert. BD/OG55 days.An excellent candidate for professional markets or for home markets. Batavian type with heavy upriht heads, dark-green leaves and a juicy yet crisp thick heart in the center, crsip mild heart because of blanching of the heart by the outside leaves. Good holding power in heat, yet hardy. For spring through late fall. Absolutely delicious! Incredibly versatile: sown as a salad "cut and come again" type as a single variety or as a base mix with other lettuce or mustard varieties or for stand along filled out batavian heads.
S$2.00~50 seeds
M$4.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds
LG$7.00=1 g, ~800 seeds
XL$9.00=4 g, ~3200 seeds
1 oz.$30.00=~24000 seeds


LTR6BRONZE RODANCert. BD/OG(red deer tongue)65 days.Reddish lettuce somewhere between romaine and deer tongue in form with green hearts.
S$3.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds
M$6.00=1 g, ~800 seeds
LT7CANASTACert. BD/OG50-60 days.Red-tinged summer Batavian crisp head is the best standing summer lettuce,very sweet and free of tip burn. This strain has been grown biodynamically at Raphael Garden in California for over 15 years. It is a very dependable variety for the farmer's market and for our CSA.
S$3.00~50 seeds
M$7.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds
LG$9.75=1 g, ~800 seeds
XL$15.00=3 g, ~2400 seeds
LT2DEER TONGUE, GREENCert. BD/OG50 days.HEIRLOOM from . Dark green leaf lettuce matures to petite tight cylindrical heads with crisp creamy yellow hearts surrounded by long pointed outer leaves. It is delicious cut in half and drizzled with garlic salad dressing. Best in spring and autumn plantings. Transplants: Sow 3/in. cover with soil LIGHTLY. Prick out to 1” apart when true leaves appear. Set outside 9-12” apart.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~400 seeds
M$8.00=2 g, 100 ft., ~1600 seeds
LTGIGREEN ICECert. BD/OGNEW!45 days.Compact crinkled heads with crisp, tender scrumptious leaves and delicious centers. Transplants: Sow 3/in. cover with soil LIGHTLY. Prick out to 1” apart when true leaves appear. Set outside 9-12” apart.
S$3.00~50 seeds
M$7.00=1 g, ~800 seeds
LG$12.00=4 g, ~2400 seeds
XL$28.00=1/2 oz., ~12000 seeds
LTB5WINTER DENSITYCert. BD/OGNEW!54 days.Crisp sweet succulent head lettuce combining Butterhead and Romaine characteristics. Tolerates light frost. Not available in 2025. Please check back in 2026.


LT8CIMMARONCert. BD/OG65 days.HEIRLOOM . Antique, deep red, almost burgundy Romaine lettuce dating from the 18th century with large loose heads.
S$3.00=1/4 g, sows 25 ft., ~400 seeds
LTR5JERICHOCert. BD/OG60 days.HEIRLOOM from . From Israel. Large green Romaine from Israel. Upright leaves, late to bolt, stays sweet and crisp even in summer heat.
S$3.00~50 seeds
M$8.00=1/2 g, ~400 seeds
LG$12.00=2 g, ~1600 seeds
XL$30.00=15 g, ~12000 seeds sold out
LT3KALURACert. BD/OG57 days.Very large Cos-type green Romaine. Great taste and good heat tolerance. 1/8 gram sown in a greenhouse and transplanted will produce 25-50 heads of lettuce. Grown as a head it can be harvested young crisp with a closed light head or later with a heavy succulent and crisp giant head. Customers are wowed either way! Sorry we did not photograph it. We harvested hundreds of them for our CSA and people are anxious for spring so they can taste them again.
S$3.00~50 seeds, sows 6 ft., ~50 seeds
M$5.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds
LG$9.00=1 g, ~800 seeds
XL$13.00=4 g, ~3200 seeds


LTBH2LUCINDECert. BD/OGExceptional green butterhead which dependably forms a nice head even in hot weather and does not bolt quickly. Juicy mild and crisp.
S$3.00~50 seeds sold out
M$7.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds sold out
LG$16.00=1 g, ~800 seeds sold out
XL$28.00=3 g, ~2400 seeds sold out
LT1MIKOLACert. BD/OGSALE!37-49 days.Medium sized Butterhead with succulent inner core and slightly-ruffled outer leaves with light purple tinge on the edges. Does well in summer heat. Easy to grow and dependable for market gardeners.
S$3.00~50 seeds
M$7.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds
LG$13.00=1 g, sows 660 ft., ~800 seeds sold out


LTRMMERLOTCert. BD/OGNEW!60 days.Burgundy red loose-leaf type for "cut and come again" use.Transplants: Sow 3/in. cover with soil LIGHTLY. Prick out to 1 inch apart when true leaves appear. Set outside 9-12 inch apart.
S$3.00~50 seeds
M$7.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds sold out
LT9NEW RED FIRECert. BD/OG45 days.Dark-red leaf lettuce, ruffled leaves, semi-heading, slow to bolt, holds its color well under difficult conditions.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~400 seeds
M$7.00=2 g, ~1600 seeds
LG$13.00=7 g, ~5000 seeds
LT6RED TINGED WINTERCert. BD/OGSALE!(Lattughino)60 days.Winter type of lettuce. Hardy to -5 F. Fall plant for early spring heads. Gets bitter in hot weather. Great for overwintering. Good for heads or for cutting for salad mix. First lettuce ready in the spring if sown or transplanted outside in autumn or in a greenhouse in winter. Great for a year round CSA offering! Our members can hardly wait for this in the early spring along with the overwintered spinach.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~100 seeds
M$7.50=2 g, ~1600 seeds
LG$12.00=8 g, ~6400 seeds


LTO4STRUBEL PETERCert. BD/OGNEW!HEIRLOOM from Switzerland . Strubel Peter refers to a story first published in 1845 about boy with curly and unruly hair 'adventuring' through his life.. Nevertheless, we find this good tasting green oak leaf though curly leafed, decidely neat and trim looking as well as delicious!.
S$3.00~50 seeds
M$7.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds
LG$12.00=1 g, ~800 seeds
XL$15.00=4 g, ~3000 seeds
OL2YEAR ROUND BRONZE OAKCert. BD/OG40-45 days.This delicious oak leaf variety was developed by Harald Hoven out of Lingue de Canarino. It forms large, sweet, fast-growing heads that are late to bolt. Transplants: Sow 3/in. cover with soil LIGHTLY. Prick out to 1” apart when true leaves appear. Set outside 9-12” apart.
S$3.00~50 seeds
M$6.00=1/4 g, ~200 seeds
LG$12.00=1 g, ~800 seeds
XL$15.00=4 g, ~3000 seeds

LETTUCE MIXES~24,000 seeds/oz.

SM1MEADOWLARK HEARTH SALAD MIXCert. BD/OGNEW!SALAD MIX OF Shiny Victoria, anitique red-green canasta, burgundy year round oak leaf, lacey Strubel peter, deep red merlot
S$4.00=1/2 g, ~400 seeds
M$10.00=2 g, ~1800 seeds
LG$20.00=10 g, ~8000 seeds