PUMPKINS(Cucurbita pepo)

Certified organic pumpkin seeds, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® pumpkin seeds, ecologically grown pumpkin seeds

PU4HOWDENCert. BD/OGNEW!SALE!Size variety is the attribute of Howden. 1970 open pollinatedby John Howden. Great color and wonderful variation that is missing from hybrids. In other words, Howden does produce some large pumpkins of 15-20 inches tall but allso some smaller pumpkins for all the varied sizes in a family when they want to choose the pumpkin just right for their ability to carry it out of the field!
S$4.00=3 g, ~15 seeds
M$12.00=15 g, ~70 seeds
LG$20.00=2 oz., ~280 seeds
XL$150.00=1 lb, ~2240 seeds
PU3NEW ENGLAND PIECert. BD/OG100-105 days.The classic pie pumpkin. 10-12 in. diameter fruits with thick yellow flesh. Makes cute Jack-o’-lanterns. Stores well. Sow outside in rows or hills after danger of frost is past and soil has warmed, sow 1/2"-1" deep, 4" apart in rows 6'-8' apart, thinning to 1' between plants, or plant 3-5 seeds per hill in hills 5'-6' apart.
S$3.00=2 g, ~16 seeds sold out
M$5.00=8 g, ~70 seeds sold out
LG$9.00=1 oz., ~200 seeds sold out
PU2PUMPKIN, STYRIAN, NAKED-SEEDEDCert. BD/OG90-120 days.HEIRLOOM known from Styrian area in Austria where they are pressed for oil . Large, green/orange striped pumpkin grown for its seeds. Seeds are delicious eaten raw or pressed for oil, or press for oil. Flesh can be used for soups but is also good for animals for animals. Extract the seeds from the pumpkins, rinse and dry seeds carefi;;u on racks.
S$3.00~10 seeds
4+ oz.$11.00/oz. bulk rate sold out