SN252025 STELLA NATURA CALENDAREcologically GrownNEW!SALE!Stella Natura is an interactive calendar. It is especailly helpful in teaching us about what is going on in the skies and how the positions and movement of the planetary bodies interact with the development of plants. The actual daily record of what is happening in the sky is from the navigation information of the US navy. A must have tool for farmers and gardeners who wish to expeience the heights, breadth and depth of a growing season and one's place in that experience.. The calendar contains a star map as well as the tracking of the positions of planets where they are in each month in relation to the zodiac. Each month is also accompanied with an interesting reflection by a farmer, gardener or orchardist.BK2DEVELOPING THE SELFEcologically GrownWhat is this book doing on a seed offering website? Answer from Meadowlark Hearth Biodynamic Seed Initiative: If we are to strive toward healing the earth, we must seek out ways to work with ourselves as farmers toward healing. "Individual effort toward development of the higher self is essential for genuine progress on the inner work path. The clear insights and exercises outlined in this book reveal the meaning and necessity of this essential striving in the present consciousness soul age, contributing toward enlivening both our inner and outer work at the same time. The path of developing the self and our work in the world are not separated, but united through the practices and their results." 145 pages, weight: 170 grams or .40 lb BK5HIDDEN IN THE THIRTEENTH MOONEcologically GrownThis is a collection of stories from one of the growers of some of our best seed varieties:Lutz, ice cream melon, breeding of Harmony sweet corn, delicata, kindred orange squash. Here is what author Marcia Halligan says about the book of farm stories, she and her partner Steven Adams have nurtured for over a couple of decades: " Farmers and gardeners learn by observing plants, animals and weather conditions.From the author: My years of recording stories in my journals of cats, goats, and horses, as well as our wild creature neighbors led to my book, Hidden in the 13th Moon. Our wild neighbors include insects, birds, animals and reptiles. Practicing awareness strengthens our abilities and enriches our daily lives." This book is helping support her retirement. .
BKGIMAGINING THE GOETHEANUMEcologically GrownNEW!(subtitle)" An Architectural Exploration in the Language of Polar Logic" is the subtitle to this amazing book of study by Jonathan Alesander. The Goetheanum, located in Dornach, in the county of Solothurn, Switzerland, is the world center for the anthroposophical movement. The building was designed by Rudolf Steiner and named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Quote from the designer of the Goetheanum: “Our building had to be a twofold structure. Its forms express the polar nature of the human being and the architecture of the Goetheanum as well as the principle of polarity is spoken of in one breath.”
Author Jonathan Alesander explores the Goetheanums's structure in meaningful depth of the polarities to be seen in this unique building design and structure and its surroundings. BKWWON WINGS OF WORDSEcologically GrownNEW!Compiled by Gary Lamb "On the Wings of Words: Conversations and Human Relations: Inner Aspects of the Fundamental Social Law and The Threefold Social Organism
“We live in [a time when] human beings must become independent. But on what does this depend? It depends on people’s ability…to become self-assertive, to not allow themselves to be put to sleep [in their thinking]. It is the antisocial forces that require development in this time, for consciousness to be present. It would not be possible for humanity in the present to accomplish its task if…these antisocial forces did not become ever more powerful; they are indeed the pillars on which personal independence rests. At present humanity has no idea how much more powerful antisocial impulses must become.” — Rudolf Steiner (Dec. 12, 1918)
Gary Lamb researched and gathered into this volume the many ways and perspectives that Rudolf Steiner has spoken or written about the profound importance of human relationships, human encounters, and right speaking and listening for engendering and maintaining spiritualized relationships and interpersonal communication, often referred to as “Goethean conversation” as described by Marjorie Spock.
Equally important, Lamb describes how these types of conversations and social dynamics attained through rigorous self-development practices provide the necessary soul-spiritual substance and forces for overcoming evil in modern life and for the implementing the Fundamental Social Law and a threefold social organism.
The author approaches all of this from the perspective of the mission of Christ and the Mystery of Golgotha. BK7RETHINKING ECONOMICSEcologically GrownNEW!14 lectures given by Rudolf Steinere in Dornach, Switzerland July 14-August 6, 1922 (CW 340)6 seminars in Dornach, July 31-August 5, 1922 (CW 341) “In this age of social, economic, and ecological disruption, many people are beginning to realize that perhaps the most important root causes for this crisis originate in an economic thinking that is increasingly out of touch with the social, ecological, and spiritual realities of our time. BKACSPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS FOR THE RENEWAL OF AGRICULTUREEcologically GrownNEW!(by Rudolf Steiner)These eight lectures given in 1924 inaugurated the Biodynamic farming and gardening movement. Soils, animals, plants, and landscapes are treated with a deep fundamental wisdom and understanding of the inner being of Nature. 328 pgs. soft cover. $17.50 BK8THE SEVENTH SHRINEEcologically GrownBY ORLAND BISHOP: Knowing that gardens are one of the most cosmopolitan activities, we wanted to share this remarkable writing. From the author: " When I navigate the currents of the soul, I find myself within my ancestral pool. I find myself swimming in their grief, and the longing during the great event and initiation called the Middle Passage. I find myself in their collective soul journey from a place of homeland to a dream of the Promised Land. This book is a telling of the soul striving of people of African heritage into the American experience of creating community."… BK3THE SPIRIT IN THE REALM OF PLANTSEcologically GrownThis is a very thought provoking lecture given in Dec of 1910. It is part of a trilogy of examination of how the spirit manifests in the various aspects of creation. We are suggesting that you take a look. We will NOT be shipping this to you. You can go online and get this lecuture from Rudolf Steiner free. The Spirit in the Realm of Plants: