PEPPERSAverages 4,000 seeds/oz.

Certified organic pepper seeds, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® pepper seeds, ecologically grown pepper seeds

SWEET PEPPERS(Capsicum annuum)

LG=8 g, ~850 seeds
1 oz.=~3500 seeds
PS6EARLY RED SWEETCert. BD/OGNEW!Delicate thin-walled medium-small Bell-type fruit. Turns red long before other bell peppers. If you are trying to have early red sweet peppers in the north, this is your pepper. Its harvest is quite prolific, dependable for CSA's, farmer's markets and restaurants.
S$3.00=1 g
M$10.00=4 g
LG$20.00=15 g
1 oz.$48.00
SP8GENEROUS YELLOW GIANTCert. BD/OG(YELLOW MONSTER)95 days. Fruits are large approximately 4 inches long and 3 inches wide. Truly a giant bell pepper whose green stage is quite delicious because of the crunchy yet juicy texture of the pepper fruits. When mature, it turns a lemony yellow and continues its delisious juicy texture. Pepper plants are not always prolific providing 2 but sometimes 5 or 6 peppers. Because these peppers are so large they can often weigh over a half pound. Also known as yellow monster, we chose to name it something a little more gentile which we feel better suits its generosity in producing such large peppers.
S$4.00=1/4 g, ~20 seeds
M$10.00=1 g, ~100 seeds
PS1JIMMY NARDELLOCert. BD/OG78 days.The 4-8 inch narrow sweet fruit with thin walls are a wonderful treat raw or cooked. Jimmy Nardello's mother brought this variety with her from Italy to the U.S. in 1887. Germ is 66 percent so there will a bit extra in your packets so we have lowered the price on larger amounts.. Federal germ standards are 55 % for peppers. This lot tested at 65% this yaar.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~45 seeds
M$8.50=2 g, ~200 seeds
LG$15.50=1/4 oz., ~850 seeds
PS2KING OF THE NORTH, SELECTCert. BD/OGSALE!68 days.Wonderful sweet pepper with deep green bells, thick-walled. We have selected this variety for around 30 years and the fruits of King are one of the earlier ones to turn red with plants able to bare 4-9 red peppers at a time while they are ripening to red . Sturdy cold tolerant plants. We selected it for years toward higher production and disease resistance. Cultivation: Sow indoors 4 seeds/in", ¼" deep at 80-90° F, 8 weeks before transplanting outside. Prick out seedlings to 2"-3" apart when true leaves appear. Set outside after hardening off when soil is warm. And frost is past, 12"-18" apart in rows 24"-36" apart.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~55 seeds
M$10.00=2 g, ~230 seeds
LG$32.00=8 g, ~800 seeds
1 oz.$45.00=~3500 seeds sold out
2+ oz.$40.00/oz. bulk rate

HOT PEPPERS(Capsicum annuum)

HP4BOLIVIAN RAINBOWCert. BD/OG(C. frutescens)75-85 days.Plants colorfully decked with a rainbow of 1 in. fruits. Some purple, some deep-yellow developing to red as they mature. HOT!
S$4.00~10 seeds sold out
ps5CORNO DI TOROCert. BD/OG(BULL'S HORN)Very mildly hot. Tapering fruits are 6-8 in long and narrow, often with the slight bull horn curve for which they are named, with deep crimson red color when fully ripe. Plants are very vigorous with an excellent upright habit. Upright habit • 8-10” fruits.The taste is on the edge of the sharpness prior with a light touch of heat.
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$8.00=1 g, ~120 seeds
HP2JALAPENOCert. BD/OG70 days.Early and productive strain. Very meaty, thick walls. 2½ in. sausage shaped fruits are deep green ripening to bright red. Mildly hot.
S$3.00~25 seeds, ~25 seeds
M$7.00=1 g, ~100 seeds
LG$15.00=4 g, ~400 seeds