Certified organic garlic, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® garlic, ecologically grown garlic

GE7DAINTY SIZED CHESNOK REDCert. BD/OGSALE!CHESNOK:easy to peal cloves per purple striped bulb having approximately 12 or more modest SMALL SIZED BULBS. This is not our select Chesnok which is sold out, but great size for the kitchen. Also delicious baked. SELECTED HEIRLOOM: Sources say it originated from the village of Shvelisi, Republic of Georgia. Good for baking. Hardneck type.MH tests regularly for garlic nematodes. GROWING INFORMATION: GARLIC IS PLANTED from OCT through November. Cloves are the seeds for the garlic and are planted 6-8 inches apart in rows around 12 inches apart. Grows through the winter and harvested around the following July depending on where you are located, here in zone 4, we usually harvest hard neck garlic in the second and third week of July. ORDER NOW for shipping: SEPT through DEC 2024
S$12.00=1 lb sold out
M$55.00=5 lb sold out
LG$120.00=15 lb sold out
GE2MEDIUM-SIZED MUSICCert. BD/OGSALE!MEDIUM- SIZED MUSIC IS HARDNECK PORCELAIN for cooking and planting garlic: HEIRLOOM: Beautiful, easy to peel and a vigorous grower with usually an average 4-6 cloves with good flavor. Medium sized is NOT MH select music (you can see that below) which we are almost out of but medium size ie 1.80 inch bulb or smaller and is great size for cooking because the cloves are more reasonable sized for garlic presses and can be planted in gardens where you are not needing to have a giant size and select seed. Very easy to grow and a hardy type for severe winters. Our Music Aria garlic strain started with Al Music who brought it back from his homeland in Italy to Canada, and MH strain was further selected by Danielle LaBerge in Quebec, then passed on to Jean-David Derramaux who began the Healing Plant Gardens at Camphill Village USA in upstate New York in the 1990's. Now it has transferred itself to Nebraska and has done very well here. Great flavor! It is truly outstanding in every way. For best results of nicely formed garlic bulbs, plant in autumn best Is in Oct. Stores well into early spring. MH tests each year for garlic nematodes. GROWING INFORMATION: GARLIC IS PLANTED from OCT through November. Cloves are the seeds for the garlic and are planted 6-8 inches apart in rows around 12 inches apart. Grows through the winter and harvested around the following July depending on where you are located, here in zone 4, we usually harvest hard neck garlic in the second and third week of July. ORDER NOW for shipping: SEPT through DEC 2024.
S$12.00=1 lb
M$55.00=5 lb
LG$135.00=15 lb
GA4SELECT SEED: INCHELLIUM, DIXON HARDY SOFT NECKCert. BD/OGNEW!SALE!DIXON HARDY SOFT NECK, SELECTED HEIRLOOM from Montana, extraordinary storage capability! Artichoke type selected over several decades by the Batey's organic farm in Montana : a very hardy SOFTNECK! Its origin can be traced to red inchellium with one other artichoke variety in the mix. Red Inchellium was found on the Coleville Reservation in eastern Washington. 2024 there are about 8 bulbs per lb. Cloves vary in size. This is an artichoke type which has a layer of small inner cloves and a layer of larger cloves. In general the cloves are larger than many of the other softneck varieties, easier to peel than our other softneck varieties. And here in western Nebraska, zone 4-5, we harvest soft neck garlic around the 1st week in July. Plantable Inchellium cloves in a bulb: 8 -16 cloves. Softneck garlics are the types of garlic for braiding. General garlic planting and growing INFORMATION: We sow in October about 6-8 inches apart in the row in our zone 4-5 climate of western Nebraska. Grows through the winter and then is harvested around the following July depending on where you are located. Softnecks such as Dixon are usually ready to harvest before hardnecks For best results of nicely formed garlic bulbs, plant in autumn. MH tests regularly for garlic nematodes. ORDER NOW for shipping: SEPT through DEC 2024.
S$17.00~3 bulbs, sows 15 ft. sold out
M$22.00=1 lb, 40 ft. sold out
LG$63.00=3 lb sold out
XL$175.00=10 lb sold out
GA2SELECT SEED: MUSIC ARIACert. BD/OGMUSIC IS HARDNECK PORCELAIN garlic: SELECTED HEIRLOOM: Beautiful, easy to peel and a vigorous grower with usually an average 4-7 large cloves with good flavor. We have selected toward averaging 5 cloves. 2024 there are approximately bulbs per pound so about 15 feet of sowing per pound. With every bulb you get at least 4 cloves. Very easy to grow and a hardy type for severe winters. Our Music Aria garlic strain started with Al Music who brought it back from his homeland in Italy to Canada, and MH strain was further selected by Danielle LaBerge in Quebec, then passed on to Jean-David Derramaux who began the Healing Plant Gardens at Camphill Village USA in upstate New York in the 1990's. Now it has transferred itself to Nebraska and has done very well here. This garlic grows bigger than any garlic we have ever grown, yet maintains its great flavor! It is truly outstanding in every way. For best results of nicely formed garlic bulbs, plant in autumn. MH tests each year for garlic nematodes. GROWING INFORMATION: GARLIC IS PLANTED from OCT through November. Cloves are the seeds for the garlic and are planted 6-8 inches apart in rows around 12 inches apart. Grows through the winter and harvested around the following July depending on where you are located, here in zone 4, we usually harvest hard neck garlic in the second and third week of July. PREORDER 2024: garlic seed for autumn planting 2024 when our 2024 July HARVEST is FINISHED. ORDER NOW for shipping: SEPT through DEC 2024.
S$17.00~3 bulbs, sows 6 ft. sold out
M$25.00=1 lb, 17 ft. sold out
LG$63.00=3 lb sold out
XL$190.00=10 lb sold out
25 lb$375.00 sold out
GA3CALIFORNIA EARLY-NEBRASKA SELECTCert. BD/OGCalifornia EARLY NEBRASKA SELECT IS SOFT NECK TYPE. Softneck garlics are the types of garlic for braiding. Harder to peel than hardneck types but stores better than hardnecks. Our strain stores until late spring of the following year after July harvest when stored in cool, dry conditions. In 2024 there are about 9 bulbs per lb. They are an artichoke formation of cloves and often have approximately around 10-12 smallish cloves so there are more plants possible per bulb than the hardneck varieties. Soft necks are best for milder winters but our strain has been selected to survive our cold, dry winters in western Nebraska. Another advantage to softneck garlics besides their long storage is that they can be braided. GROWING INFORMATION: GARLIC IS PLANTED from OCT through November. Cloves are the seeds for the garlic and are planted 6-8 inches apart in rows around 12 inches apart. Grows through the winter and harvested around the following July depending on where you are located, here in zone 4, we usually harvest hard neck garlic in the second and third week of July. PREORDER 2024: garlic seed for autumn planting 2024 when our 2024 July HARVEST is FINISHED. ORDER NOW for shipping: SEPT through DEC 2024
S$15.00~3 bulbs, sows 15 ft. sold out
M$25.00=1 lb, 40 ft. sold out
LG$67.00=3 lb, sows 120 ft. sold out
GA7RED CHESNOK, PURPLE STRIPE TYPE HARDNECKCert. BD/OGCHESNOK:easy to peal cloves per purple striped bulb having approximately 10 modest sized cloves per bulb. Also delicious baked. SELECTED HEIRLOOM: Sources say it riginated from the village of Shvelisi, Republic of Georgia. Good for baking. Hardneck type.MH tests regularly for garlic nematodes. GROWING INFORMATION: GARLIC IS PLANTED from OCT through November. Cloves are the seeds for the garlic and are planted 6-8 inches apart in rows around 12 inches apart. Grows through the winter and harvested around the following July depending on where you are located, here in zone 4, we usually harvest hard neck garlic in the second and third week of July. ORDER NOW for shipping: SEPT through DEC 2024
S$15.00~3 bulbs, sows 15 ft. sold out
M$25.00=1 lb, 40 ft. sold out
LG$65.00=3 lb, sows 150 ft. sold out
XL$180.00=10 lb sold out