Certified organic flower seeds, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® flower seeds, ecologically grown flower seeds

FL6BACHELOR BUTTON, BLACK BALLCert. BD/OGThese sweet looking bachelor button flowers does not deserve to be black balled. Flowers are lovely and distinctive in bouquets with they dark puruple hue almost assuming black. Great for inectories as well as being attractive in a salad with their feathery puprle.Direct sow in autumn for early spring flowers or early in the spring…frost hardy!
S$3.00=2 g, ~400 seeds
M$15.00=8 g, ~1600 seeds
H-BOBORAGECert. BD/OGNEW!(Borago officinalis)Annual with star-shaped sky blue flowers that make striking salad garnish or fresh leaves used in tea. Attractive to bees.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~25 seeds
M$16.00=4 g, ~200 seeds
LG$25.00=10 g, ~500 seeds
FM9BUCKWHEAT, MANCANCert. OG30-55 days.Quick solution for summer cover. Sow late May through July. For a grain crop, sow 3 months before the autumn frost and harvest after the autumn frost. Sow outside when the soil is at 55 degrees, keep watered until the first germination. Wonderful flowering is great for many pollinators.
S$3.00=1 oz.
M$10.00=4 oz.
LG$15.00=1 lb
FLC1COREOPSIS ANNUALCert. BD/OGNEW!((Coreopsis tinctoria))Annual of intense display of deep warm yellow-orange flowers throughout the summer on 20-24 inch tender stems. Nice simple cut flower with single pedals.
S$3.00~25 seeds
FLLRCOSMOS, ORANGE, BRIGHT LIGHTSCert. BD/OG(Cosmos sulphureus)100-110 days.Annual. Bushy 30 in. plants. Masses bright orange flowers start early and continue until killing frost.
S$4.00=1/4 g
FLC3COSMOS, SENSATIONS MIXCert. BD/OGNEW!(C. bipinnatus)100-110 days.Annual. Attractive 3-4 in. dark magenta, pink and white flowers on 4 ft. plants. Cut flower. Excellent habitat for beneficial insects.
S$3.00~15 seeds
FLEECHINACEA PURPUREACert. BD/OG(Purple Coneflower)Hardy Perennial. 36 in. tall plants bear large 4 in. daisy-type flowers with dark cone & lavender-pink petals.Strengthens immune system.
S$4.00=1/2 g, ~40 seeds
M$10.00=2 g, ~160 seeds
LG$15.00=15 g, ~1200 seeds
FL7LOVE-IN-A-MIST (NIGELLA)Cert. BD/OG(Nigella damascena) An old-fashioned flower from southern Europe variety sometimes called Fennel Flower because of its nutmeg-flavored seeds. Delicate feathery blue or white, sometimes a little bit of pink flowers on 8-12 inch stems., averaging 1½ in. in diameter. . Cut flowers or dried seed pods can be used in dried flower arrangements. The tiny black seed is also known as false cumin which smells like grape koolaid!
S$3.00=1 g
M$6.00=4 g
FL2MORNING GLORYCert. BD/OGNEW!(Ipomoea tricolor)Annual. Mix of 4-5 in. blue and purple flowers on vines. Blooms from July until frost, open in early morning and closing after noon. Can make a small teepee shaped tripod for them to climb on, makinng it a fun place for children to play.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~20 seeds
M$8.00=2 g, ~75 seeds
LG$14.00=8 g, ~300 seeds
FLPPHACELIA BEE FLOWERCert. OG(Phacelia tanacetifolia)Annual.Delicate blue curled sprays of this little known flower are loved by the honeybees. Widely grown as a soil building cover crop on Biodynamic farms in Europe. Bushy plants.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~250 seeds
M$5.00=7 g, ~3500 seeds
LG$12.00=1 oz., ~16000 seeds
XL$50.00=8 oz.
FL9POPPY, HUNGARIAN PURPLE BREADCert. BD/OGBeautiful bluish-purple flowers give way to attractive pods filled with poppyseed for baking. Pods can also be used in dried arrangements. Stake seed heads to prevent seed loss. Plant in late fall to very early spring.
S$3.00=1/8 g, ~250 seeds
M$8.00=1/2 g, ~1000 seeds
FLPOPPOPPY, RED COMMON (PAPAVER RHOEAS)Cert. OG((Papaver rhoeas))Annual, Papaver Rhoeas but with autumn sowing also two-year summer flowers with large, bright red flowers. Becomes about 50-60 cm high or around 19-23 inches high when in bloom. Cut buds for the vase for best holding of blooms.
S$3.00~50 seeds
XL$15.00=1/4 g, ~800 seeds
FLA5RED SPIKE AMARANTHCert. BD/OGNEW!(Amaranthus cruentus)65-75 days.Graceful red flower heads for late summer and autumn flower arrangements and just plain stunning in the garden! When our friend in the photo visited in Sept the the flower heads of the Red Spike were a foot or 2 taller than she is. Tiny seeds and giant plants. When the plants are young the leaves can also be eaten in salads or stir fries. 1400 seeds to a gram
S$5.00=0.1 g, ~100 seeds
M$11.00=1/2 g, ~700 seeds
LG$20.00=2 g, ~2800 seeds
FC8SANFOINCert. OG(Onobrychis viciifolia)Perennial, legume and therefore nitrogen fixing undemanding green manure plant for dry locations. Interesting as an insect pasture and for deworming sheep. Sensitive to waterlogging. A beautiful flower!!!
S$3.00=1 g, sows 50 ft.
M$6.00=4 g, 200 ft.
LG$14.00=1 oz., sows 3000 ft.
2+ oz.$10.00/oz. bulk rate
FLSNSNAPDRAGON PANORAMA MIXCert. BD/OG(Antirrhinum majus)Annual. 18-24in. plants with bright spikes of yellow, red, purple, maroon and white flowers. Takes long time to germinate and needs to be planted on surface of soil with protection from drying out such as a piece of smooth paper or cloth keeping it damp. Mist the seed so it does not get displaced. Can also be rooted from mature plants and will sow itself sometimes if there is enough moisture. Very hardy flower but still considered an annual.
S$3.00~100 seeds
FLS2SUNFLOWER, ABENDSONNE (EVENING SUN)Cert. BD/OGNEW!(Helianthus annuus)Annual. Lovely multiple headed sunflower with rich dark centers and golden yellow periphery. Sow approximately 3 weeks after your last frost when soil is 60-70 degrees. They are fairly tolerant of warmth and dryness but water when they show first signss of wilting.
S$3.00=1/2 g, ~10 seeds
M$6.00=2 g, ~40 seeds
LG$15.00=10 g, ~200 seeds
FLS3SUNFLOWER, PEREDOVIKCert. BD/OGNEW!(Helianthus annuus)90-100 days.HEIRLOOM Oil seed type from Russia with small black seed on 4 to 6 inch heads selected to be single flowered plants but still a few with multiple heads.
S$4.00=1 g, sows 7 ft., ~15 seeds
M$8.00=4 g, 30 ft., ~75 seeds
LG$20.00=16 g, sows 120 ft., ~300 seeds
SF1SUNFLOWER, TIENSVOLDCert. OGAn oil sunflower seed offered by 30 year old Tiensvold farm which is black with a white stripe sometimes. Sow approximately 3 weeks after your last frost when soil is 60-70 degrees. They are fairly tolerant of warmth and dryness but water when they show first signs of wilting.
S$3.00=1 oz.
M$10.00=4 oz.
LG$15.00=1 lb
5+ lb$12.00/lb bulk rate
FLTOTITHONIA, MEXICAN SUNFLOWERCert. OG(Tithonia rotundifolia)85-90 days.Stunningly showy beautiful large 4 ft annual with 3½ in. bright orange daisy-like flowers from mid-summer until frost. Needs warmth to germinate. Nice cut flower. Sensitive to cold. Sow in greenhouse 6-8 weeks before transplantinig outside. Large plants, give a 4 foot to 6 foot space.
S$3.50~10 seeds
M$7.00=1/2 g, ~45 seeds sold out
HTOTOBACCO, NICOTIANA TOBACUMCert. BD/OGNEW!(NICOTIANA, TOBACUM)need to be started inside just like tomatoes. Impressive for a flowering border because it grows to over 6 feet tall.
S$3.00~100 seeds
M$12.00=0.1 g, ~700 seeds
LG$25.00=1 g, ~7000 seeds
FL3ZINNIA, SCARLETCert. BD/OGNEW!Medium large scarlet red flowers with yellow and brown middles. Really a stand out in bouquets at the market.
S$3.00=1/4 g, ~20 seeds
M$10.00=1 g, ~80 seeds sold out